SERVICES 象の鼻テラスの楽しみ方
Zou-no-hana Terrace is a free resting place inside Zou-no-hana Park. Offering stunning views of the port from its window, anyone can make use of the facilities, which provide various services to visitors.
ART SPACE アートスペース
Photo: Masaya Tanaka
Aspiring to be a place that cultivates encounters and connections between different kinds of people and cultures, and for fostering new culture, Zou-no-hana Terrace holds a wide range of events, from art to performance, music, and more.
→Click here for event information
CAFE 象の鼻カフェ
The café offers takeout food and drink. With events and menus conceived by artists and other creatives, the café helps art reach more people through food.
In addition to events held at the terrace and park, visitors can get information about tourist attractions in Yokohama. Please ask at the information desk by the entrance to the terrace.
ETB GUIDE エレファント・トラベル・ビューローのガイド
Volunteers are on hand to provide guidance on the park’s history and origins, and on sightseeing attractions in the local area. Guided tours and quiz events are held regularly.
→Click here for event information
Free Wi-Fi is available at Zou-no-hana Terrace. Please check the log-in information on display.
Zou-no-hana Terrace features a selection of books about art, culture, travel, food, architecture, and community development. These also include books about cities whose institutions have previously partnered with Zou-no-hana Terrace. Feel free to browse and read these publications during your visit.
※ Please do not remove the books from Zou-no-hana Terrace. They are available to read only on the premises.
アーティスト・曽谷朝絵が考案した「MIZUNOWA」のピ クニックシートの無料貸し出しを行っています。 象の鼻パークの芝生でピクニックをお楽しみください。
(現在 貸し出し休止中)
アーティスト・曽谷朝絵が考案した、混色のため規格外 となった EVA 素材を活用して作ったピクニックグッズシ リーズ。 色鮮やかで軽く柔らかな素材が特徴。ピクニックシートのほか、ランチョンマットやコースターも展開している。
曽谷朝絵 Asae Soya
美術家。絵画とインスタレーションの両面で制作を続けている。2006年東京藝術大学大学院博士後期課程美術研究科油画専攻にて博士号(美術)取得。2001年「昭和シェル石油現代美術賞」グランプリ、2002年「VOCA展2002」VOCA賞(グランプリ)、2013年「横浜文化賞文化・芸術奨励賞」、「神奈川文化賞未来賞」他、受賞多数。2013年に水戸芸術館にて個展「曽谷朝絵展 宙色(そらいろ)」を、2022年にスパイラルガーデンにて個展「曽谷朝絵展 とことこふわり」を開催するなど全国で発表多数。東京、ニューヨーク、バーゼル、西安などで展覧会やパブリックアートを制作。2014年文化庁在外研修員としてニューヨークに、2018年TOKAS二国間交流事業派遣クリエイターとしてバーゼルに滞在。作品集「曽谷朝絵 宙色(そらいろ)」を青幻舎より刊行。
MIZUNOWA is a picnic blanket created at the artist Asae Soya. It is available for free to use for picnics in Zou-no-hana Park. (MIZUNOWA is currently unavailable.)
MIZUNOWA is part of a series of picnic accessories by the artist Asae Soya, made from EVA classified as nonstandard due to mixed coloration. Its soft, light material is vividly colored. In addition to picnic blankets, the series includes items like place mats and drink coasters.
Artist Profile
Asae Soya
Asae Soya obtained a doctorate in fine arts from the Tokyo University of the Arts in 2006. She works in interdisciplinary fields, such as painting, installation and video installation.
Asae’s works are all filled with vibrant colors and light, while also possessing a dynamic sensation and subtlety that can awaken not only viewers’ visual senses but also their physical sensations.
In 2001, she won the Grand Prize in the SHELL ART AWARD, and in 2002, the VOCA Prize in Vision of Contemporary Art. In 2013, she won the Culture and Art Incentive Award in the Yokohama Culture Award, and also the Future Prize in the Kanagawa Cultural Award.
She was resident at ISCP in NYC in 2014 as a foreign trainee through the Japan’s Cultural Affairs Agency. She currently works in Japan and abroad.